Sunday, March 12, 2006

Check It Out!

I now have a new blog about this blog. So, I am blogging about blogging on a blog about blogs. It's called flickrverse: cogs and blogs and it's a companion to this here flickrverse site.

My original intent with flickrverse was to write a poem a day and maybe some other stuff that was more typically bloggy. In the course of coming up with flickrverses and exploring the wonderful world of flickr itself, I realized that the randomness (such as this post) may take the focus away from the actual "poetry" (I feel weird using that word for some reason). Sooooo....this is why I made me anudder blog.

So, you can click back and forth between blogs to get more info on a particular flickrverse, on the experience of blogging flickrverses, as well as some more typical bloggy randomness (I promise that I won't post any techie stuff....snore).

Check it out and let me know what you think.


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